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<br />
<div id="info">
<ul class="topUL">
<li class="b1"><a class="p1" href="">Product Guide</a>
<ul class="sub">
<li class="cover">Product Guide<br /><i>by Utta dO2L</i><em>Hover to open ...</em></li>
<li class="content">
<a href="">1. Lorem ipsum dolor</a>
<a href="">2. Duis velit leo</a>
<a href="">3. Aliquam quis magna</a>
<a href="">4. Sed et orci</a>
<a href="">5. In risus libero</a>
<a href="">6. Nunc sed</a>
<li class="b2"><a class="p1" href="">A Concise History</a>
<ul class="sub">
<li class="cover">A Concise History<br /><i>by Utta dO2L</i><em>Hover to open ...</em></li>
<li class="content">
<a href="">1. Pellentesque</a>
<a href="">2. Praesent ullamcorper</a>
<a href="">3. Nullam bibendum</a>
<a href="">4. Quisque eget</a>
<li class="b3"><a class="p1" href="">Design for Beginners</a>
<ul class="sub">
<li class="cover">Design for Beginners<br /><i>by Utta dO2L</i><em>Hover to open ...</em></li>
<li class="content">
<a href="">1. Praesent ullamcorper</a>
<a href="">2. Phasellus tempor</a>
<a href="">3. Etiam eleifend nisi</a>
<a href="">4. Fusce venenatis</a>
<a href="">5. Vivamus vitae tempus</a>
<li class="b4"><a class="p1" href="">Address Book</a>
<ul class="sub">
<li class="cover">Address Book<br /><i>by Utta dO2L</i><em>Hover to open ...</em></li>
<li class="content">
<a href="">1. In et arcu eget</a>
<a href="">2. Quisque nibh odio</a>
<a href="">3. Phasellus sagittis</a>
<a href="">4. Curabitur varius</a>
<a href="">5. Suspendisse diam</a>
<a href="">6. Class aptent taciti</a>
<li class="b5"><a class="p1" href="">Travellers Tales</a>
<ul class="sub">
<li class="cover">Travellers Tales<br /><i>by Utta dO2L</i><em>Hover to open ...</em></li>
<li class="content">
<a href="">1. Nunc velit arcu</a>
<a href="">2. Pellentesque suscipit</a>
<a href="">3. Nulla porta lacinia</a>
<a href="">4. Aliquam aliquet</a>
<a href="">5. Curabitur tristique</a>
<div class="shelf">
<!-- end of info -->